Home > マイグレーション > jBOLT V2.5からV4.xまでのマイグレーション > jBOLT V2.5からV3.xへのマイグレーション > マイグレーションのトラブルシューティング


jBOLT V2.5プロジェクトをMagic xpiに移行するとき、マイグレーション用のログファイルが作成されます。このファイルは、マイグレーション処理の間に行われるすべてのアクションの概要を提供します。処理に関する問題がある場合、マイグレーション・ログファイルによって何がうまくいかなかったか、そして、どのように問題を直すべきかを確認することができます。マイグレーション・ログファイルの範囲を定義する方法の詳細は、ここをクリックしてください。


Date                  : 01/01/2008
Project  Name         : Project5
Old Project File Path : C:\iBOLT2.5sp9b\projects\Project5\Project5.mdd
New Project  Path     : c:\Magic xpi\projects\Project5\
Time          Entity                         Description
12:13:36      Model and Global variables     < Message >  Migrated all model and global variables successfully.
12:13:37      Components                     < Message >  Components migrated successfully.
                                             < Warning >  UPS, Fedex, SMS, Java and User Defined components not converted to V3.These are replaced with NOP service.
12:13:37      Servers                        < Message >  Servers migrated successfully.
                                                          Name: Magic xpi Server. Resource attached:Magic xpi Server2
12:13:37      Project Properties             < Message >  Project properties migrated successfully.
12:13:39      Database                       < Message >  All databases are converted as resources.
                                                          Name: Database1. Resource created:Database1
12:13:39      User Parameters                < Message >  Userparameters converted as Context variables.
12:13:39      Resource & Trigger parameters  < Warning >  All expressions are kept as in 2.5x  and need to be taken care manually.
12:13:39      Logical Names                  < Warning >  All user Logical Names have to be entered manually in Environment Variables Repository. DAM parameter values for which Logical Name is supported, the logicalname is prefixed with TranslateNR function.
Topology : [1]Topology - 1
Flow     : [1]Flow - 1
Step/Trigger Details
Time       Step/    ID     Step/Trigger Name                  Split  Number      Interface          Component/Service Name
           Trigger                                                   of steps  Old       New        Description
12:13:40   Trigger  1      Directory Scanner                   No       -      -         -          Directory Scanner
                                                                                                    < Message > Directoryscanner component migrated successfully.
                                                                                                    < Warning > Destination as FTP is not supported.  Replaced the destination type with LAN and location with %currentprojectdir%.
                                                                                                                Dynamic Message: You can put a FTP IFC to move file from %currentprojectdir% to FTP location
                                                                                                                Filter Criteria as Timestamp not supported.  Replaced Filter Criteria with Name.
12:13:41   Step     1      New Data Mapper                     No       -      -         -          Data Mapper
                                                                                                    < Message > Data Mapper service migrated successfully.
12:13:41   Step     2      Email                               No       -      Method    Method     Email
                                                                                                    < Message > Email component migrated successfully.

                                                                                                                Step ID:2 Resource Attached: Email1
12:13:42   Step     3      New Delay Service                   No       -      -         -          Delay

                                                                                                    < Message > Delay service migrated successfully.
12:13:42   Step     4      New Invoke Flow Step                No       -      -         -          Invoke Flow

                                                                                                    < Message > Invoke Flow service migrated successfully.
